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Dogs have a natural proclivity to jump on people. How often they do this will vary with breed and personality. It's been suggested that dogs jump up on people to get a better look at someone's face -- not to attack that person, but to interact with him or her. Dogs interact with each other this way, too. Especially if they're of similar breeds, their faces are close to each other and they use their senses of smell and vision to explore.....


Practical Techniques For House Training A Puppy

While you are going to need some stacks of newspapers to house train your puppy, other items are needed as well. Paying attention, patience, consistency and commitment are a part of it as well.....

Be Persistent When Training Your Dog to Come On Command

Most Dogs aren't actually insubordinate or stubborn. Many times, however, they may seem to be at first because they don't understand precisely what they're supposed to do. To make this clear, you need to seize the alpha leadership status very quickly and show that you expect obedience. Be ready to use patience and determination and firm instruction to establish the behavior wanted. This can sometimes be hard to do when teaching the command "come".....

Recognize a Dog's Nature and Work With It

Dogs Love to Explore

It's important to remember that dogs have, it has been estimated, the mental capacity and reasoning ability of a two year old child. Like a child unrestrained and untrained, a dog can be very destructive. It becomes very important early on to establish where and what your dog has access to in order to channel their energy into behavior that is safe and healthy for them and acceptable and reasonable to the people they live with....

How to Pick a Dog Trainer You Can Work With

If you have a dog and don't have the patience, energy or time to train him, you're not alone. This is a task that requires significant effort, especially if you want to have a well-adjusted dog that is happy -- and has a happy owner, too. For some people, this means that they need the services of a professional dog trainer...


Preparing For Puppy Potty Training

When you embark on puppy potty training your whole life seems to revolve around your dog's need to go to the bathroom. You find that meals are interrupted and you have little time to really kick back and relax. It's temporary and eventually you can see the results of your efforts. Initially, you will have to approach this situation with the utmost in patience and diligence....


Invigorate the Bond With Your Dog Through Tricks Training

For the most part dogs are energetic to do what their owners want and try their best to please when it comes to getting a reward for doing so. These are dog attributes that need to be taken advantage of when it comes time to teach them tricks. It makes sense to incorporate their natural tendencies. By building on these natural 'dog' attributes and behaviors in conjunction with rewards to generate pet tricks, the process becomes easier than trying to teach a trick from scratch.....


Dog Bedding Choices For Your Dog's Comfort

When it comes to pampering your pooch and helping him to get a good night's rest, there are a variety of dog bedding styles to choose from. The question is how do you select the right dog bed for your dog to curl up on? There are many things to consider including the size of your dog, the age, and health of your dog and your dog's sleeping habits....


Citronella No Bark Collar Is It The Best Choice?

Many chapters have been written about the reasons dogs bark excessively in reaction to what's going on around them from alarm barking, to territorial barking, to aggression, and it is helpful to know what is prompting such conduct, but mainly we will center on the use of the citronella no bark collar as a way to stop a barking dog.....


Electronic Dog Fence - The Pros and Cons

An electronic dog fence is not necessarily a panacea for the problem of the wandering dog or a substitute for teaching your dog to come on command and other training, but if used correctly it can be the right tool for reinforcing and reminding a dog where the boundaries are.....


How to Train Your Dog Not to Bark!  Ideas That Work

One of the most annoying habits that dog owners bemoan is their pet's undue and uncontrollable barking. It's been found that perhaps one third of all dog owners mention this as a behavioral problem over which they wish they had more control....
