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Practical Techniques For House Training A Puppy

While you are going to need some stacks of newspapers to house train your puppy, other items are needed as well. Paying attention, patience, consistency and commitment are a part of it as well.

To help you train your puppy or dog, use the guide listed below. Keep in mind that regardless of whether you have a puppy or a full grown dog, they are going to have accidents sometimes.

Be patient and consistent when training your puppy as this training period can last a couple of weeks or more.

Create a routine.

As with babies, puppies learn faster with normal schedules. This helps the puppy learn that there is a time for going to the bathroom, playing and eating.

Normally, a puppy is able to control their bladder one hour for every month of age. If your puppy is three months old, he can hold it for about three hours. Make sure to schedule the bathroom breaks accordingly or an accident will probably happen. A dog walker may need to be hired if you work outside of the home so your puppy will have his bathroom breaks.

Your puppy needs to taken outside when he wakes up, after he eats or drinks, and during or after playtime. Use the same spot each time you take him out and make sure to use a leash. Teach him to associate words like "go potty" with going to the bathroom. Use the words while he is going.

Rewards are one way to teach your puppy. When he has finished praise him or give him a treat before he goes back into the house.

On average, puppies eat approximately three to four times per day. Feed your puppy at the same time to help develop a regular feeding schedule and bathroom schedule.

To keep your puppy from needing to go to  the bathroom in the middle of the night, put his dishes up about two hours before bedtime. If he does wake up in the middle of the night, stay calm, so he won't think it is time to play. Don't turn on a lot of lights or play with him. Take him outside and then go back to bed.


Watch your puppy carefully when he is in the house so he will not have an accident.

Keep your puppy near you using a six foot leash if you are not playing with or training him. Some signs that he may need to use the bathroom include scratching at the door or barking, restlessness, circling or sniffing. If you see your puppy acting like that, take him outside immediately. After he goes, reward him with praise or a treat.